The Transporter Test and the Three Camps of Brain Preservation

 In Brain Preservation, Mind Uploading, Cryopreservation, Cryonics, Chemopreservation

Reanimators, Uploaders and Uncertains — Which Are You?

Take the Test, and See Where You Stand on the “Copy Problem”

The first in a multi-author series on brain preservation technologies, options, and policy.

John here: Brain preservation for the purposes of later memory recovery, and perhaps also full personality and self reanimation, is one of the strangest yet most future-important topics I’ve had the privilege to come across in my roughly 15 years as a publishing futurist. I think this technology and the options it brings will change lots of hearts and minds in the decades to come, about the nature of life, death, and what constitutes a “good life”, both for those choosing this option and for those who would not. I’m also convinced the brain preservation option will become increasingly accessible, affordable and adopted in democratic societies around the world in coming years.

It’s here to stay, and will keep growing in popularity, so we might as well think about doing it well.

Our article is here, on Medium.

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