Shella Keilholz’s undergraduate degree was in physics, from the University of Missouri-Rolla (now Missouri Science and Technology). For graduate school, she attended the University of Virginia, with a PhD in Engineering Physics granted in 2001. Her thesis work examined the possibility of quantifying regional perfusion using a combination of arterial spin labeling techniques. She spent several years as a postdoc at the NIH in the laboratory of Alan Koretsky, using functional MRI to detect networks of activation in the anesthetized rat. After Shella moved to the joint biomedical engineering department at Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology as a faculty member, her lab extended this work to develop and characterize functional connectivity mapping with MRI for the rodent. She is currently interested in elucidating the neural underpinning of the signal correlations used to map functional connectivity within brain networks using simultaneous imaging and multisite microelectrode recording. Her other area of focus involves detecting and characterizing the dynamic aspects of network activity in the brain with MRI using novel analysis techniques.