Richard Doyle, PhD., is Professor of English and Liberal Arts at Penn State University. He also has appointments in Science Technology & Society and the College of Information Science and Technology at PSU. He composes and teaches in the esoteric traditions of rhetoric, science fiction and emerging technoscience–sustainability, space colonization, biotechnology, nanotechnology, psychedelic science, information technologies, biometrics–and the cultural and literary contexts from which they sprout. He earned his Ph.D. in Rhetoric at UC Berkeley, was the Mellon Post Doctoral Fellow in History and Social Science of the Life Sciences at MIT in 1993, and Visiting Associate Professor at UC Berkeley’s Department of Rhetoric in 2003. He is the author of three books on the rhetoric and co-evolution of human systems, biology, and machines: On Beyond Living (1997), Wetwares (2003) and Darwin’s Pharmacy (2011).