What is the Brain Preservation Foundation?


The Brain Preservation Foundation’s purpose is to encourage the development of technology which can preserve a human brain at biological death in such intricate detail that all of the cellular and connection information that makes up our memories and mind is preserved, to prevent informational death of the individual.

Disclaimer: We don’t preserve people at BPF, and we don’t advocate any particular preservation method or company.

We seek to assess the efficacy and affordability of any postmortem methods that preserve the neural circuitry of the human brain at nanometer scale. In concert with future understanding of the neural basis of memory by neuroscience, this work aims to validate methods that will reliably preserve our memories, experience, and individual identity at death. If brain preservation efficacy can be validated, we will advocate for the availability of affordable, high-quality preservation services around the world. BPF’s social mission is to help individuals preserve, use, and improve their brains to the greatest degree possible, both now and in the future.

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