Who is preserving brains now?


Right now, Alcor will preserve your brain or your entire body using cryopreservation, which is the process of preserving an object using extreme cold. They currently (as of 2013) have 968 living people who have signed up to be cryopreserved, and have performed their cryopreservation procedure on 118 people. They have been around since the 1970’s, and are currently the largest cryopreservation institution. Other than Alcor, there is the smaller Cryonics Institute in Michigan, KrioRus in Russia, and a few even smaller companies in Australia and England. There are no commercial ventures performing chemopreservation on human brains at this time.

None of these groups have currently published evidence showing the level of connectome preservation necessary to win our challenge prize even in the best “laboratory” circumstances, therefore we remain skeptical of the quality of the procedures they offer. The Brain Preservation Foundation is working toward a future where organizations offering preservation services will be held to high standards of scientific proof of their core preservation procedures, as well as high standards of medical quality of care on an individual patient basis.

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